Ministry of Health and Environment/ Directorate of Mine Action With the Republic of #Croatia Joint Effort To Set a Memorandum of Understanding to support Iraqi Mine Action program

According to the Iraqi government directions to cooperate with other Advanced countries around the world to reach the goal “ Free Iraq from Mines and War Remain by 2028 “.
With the direct support and supervision of her Excellency The Minister of Health and Environment Dr. Adela AlAbody.
The consultant engineer Essa Alfayad the Director General of Mine Action received a high-level delegation from Republic of Croatia led by the chief of governing council in the Croatian Mine Action center Mrs. DURDA ADLESIC, The Croatian Ambassador in Iraq Mr. IVAN JURIC, Minister counsellor Mr. JERKO LETICA and director of the Croatian mine action centre Mr. ZDRAVKO MODRUSAN to set MOU to support the Iraqi mine action program .
Alfayad Also mentioned; the Croatian’s side shows their full support to the Iraqi Government in training , development and planning .
The head of Croatian delegation presented an official invitation for the Director General to participate in the 15th international symposium mine action 2018 under the high Patronage of the President of the Republic of Croatia which to be held next April.
An expended meeting held in his office with senior program manager of UNMAS in Iraq Mr. PEHR LODHAMNAR and his staff and the Croatian delegation as they discussed the new methods of NTS used on the liberated area.
�Alfayad also referred to the Croatian Ambassador desire to accompany him and the senior program manager of UNMAS in their next visit to the liberated area .�
Finally, the Croatian initiative was to host 50 Iraqi child of mine victims during the next period to provide them with health, recreation and psychological treatment services to reintegrate them into the society.