Directorate For Mine Action: technical meeting with the ministries of defense and interior to prepare the classifications of IEDs
The national focal point of Anti-personnel landmines convention ( APLC) in the Directorate for Mine Action, one of the directorates of the Ministry of Health and Environment, held a technical meeting to prepare the classifications of IEDs with the participation of the Ministries of Defense and Interior, at the headquarter of DMA in Baghdad.
The Director General of DMA, Eng. Dhafir Mahmood, said that the meeting included a discussion for the distinction between IEDs that fall within the concept of anti-personnel landmines of OTTAWA convention, and he explained that the IEDs that fall within the amended Protocol II of CCW, based on the decision of the state parties of OTTAWA convention at its seventeenth meeting which was held in Geneva 2018, obligating the state parties to include IEDs in the transparency reports of Article VII of the convention.
Mahmood added, that the meeting also included conducting comprehensive technical studies and analysis for the activation of IEDs with its various types that were used by ISIS terrorist gangs.