Directorate for Mine Action: a technical meeting to discuss the works of survey and clearance in Busaya subdistrict/ Al-Muthana governorate
The Directorate for Mine Action held a technical meeting,today, Tuesday, to discuss the works of survey and clearance in Busaya subdistrict/ Al-Muthana governorate, at the headquarters of DMA in Baghdad.
The Director General of DMA, Eng. Dhafir Mahmood, said that the meeting, which was attended by the head of JCMC in the General Secretariat of Ministers Council and representatives from the Ministries of Defense and Interior, discussed the works of survey and clearance in Busaya subdistrict due to the increase of the injuries for citizens and livestock death, as well as the loss of large areas of agricultural and pastoral lands as a result of the increase in the contaminated areas with cluster munitions and explosive remnants of war.