The Directorate for Mine Action organized a field visit for Halo Trust delegation to Basra province, southern of Iraq.

The Director General of DMA, eng. Dhafir Mahmood Khalaf, said that the visit that was organized by RMAC-South in Basra province, was based on the organization’s desire and intention to open one of its branch in one of the southern provinces in order to support the activities of the Iraqi national mine action program.

Mahmood added that the visit also included presenting a presentation by the director of RMAC-South in Basra, eng. Nibras Fakhir, in which he explained the nature, types and percentages of contamination with mines, cluster munitions and ERWs in the southern provinces of Iraq and showing the achievements conducted by the technical staff of RMAC-South and DMA within the activities of the Iraqi national mine action program. As well as, the organization’s delegation conducted a field tour to Al-Bitran village/Shatt Al-Arab district to view the reality of mine victims for the purpose of submitting the proposals to the donors by organization in order to support the activities of victim assistance within the framework of national mine action program.