DMA: a technical meeting to support the national mine action program in Kirkuk
Directorate for Mine Action, one of the formations of the Ministry of
Environment, held a technical meeting to support the national mine action
program, today, Thursday at HQ of Kirkuk governorate, northern of Iraq.
Director General of DMA, Eng. Dhafir Mahmood, said that the meeting which was
headed by Dr.Jassim Abd Al-Aziz Al-Falahi, Authorized of adminstrating the
Ministry of Environment, and attended by Kirkuk governor, Rakan Al-Jubori,
Commanders of Kirkuk operations and police and representatives from EOD
Military Engineering Battalions and civil defense. They discussed the field
technical works of
and clearance in the contaminated areas with mines, IEDs and explosive remnants
of war that were liberated from ISIS terrorist gangs.
Mahmood added that the technical staff of DMA presented a technical, operational and informational presentation, which was attended by the head of Human Rights Committee, Representative Arshad Al-Salihi, as well as the mayors of the districts Al-Dibis, Daquq, Kirkuk, Al-Riyadh, Haweja, Taza and Al-Basheer. It was reviewed the most important challenges and achievements within the activities of national mine action program in the governorate in addition to discussing the plans to support the mine victims, rehabilitation and reintegration them into society in the governorate and the role of organizations and companies accredited to support the national mine action program. The meeting was also attended by Tetra Tech, Al-Fahad, Eagle Eye Companies, Rabitat Al-Ghad Organization and Handicap International.