The Directorate for Mine Action, one of the formations of the Ministry of Environment, held the first technical meeting of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS), at the headquarters of directorate in Baghdad.

The Director General of DMA, Eng. Dhafir Mahmood, said that the meeting which was headed by the Assistant D.G of DMA, Mr. Bakir Sahib Ahmed, and attended by representatives from the Ministries of ( Defense, Interior, Communications, Foreign Affairs, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Sciences and Technology and Justice) . They discussed preparing the scientific and applied researches and studies within the framework of the member states of convention on conventional certain weapons (CCW), of which Iraq is considered one of its members through Directorate for Mine Action of the Iraqi Ministry of Environment.

Mahmood added that the meeting also included a review of the concepts and directions of the state parties of CCW in order to prepare the national team of experts and in line with the development in the production and use of autonomous systems to support the Iraqi national political direction and vision for prohibiting these systems because of their negative and harmful consequences for the human reality