The Director General of DMA, Engineer. Dhafir Mahmood Khallaf, accompanied by the director of UNMAS, Mr.Pehr Lodhammar, viewed the reality of contamination in Wassit province/Zurbatiya subdistrict/Al-Ta’an border village with Republic of Islamic Iran.

The D.G stated that the delegation which included the Advisor of Wassit governor for civil society organizations, director of Wassit environment directorate and representatives of civil defense directorate, met Qaim Maqam of Badra (head of district) and head of Zurbatya subdistrict as well as the Sheikh of Al-Ta’an village and victims of mine and ERW in the village and listened to their challenges and urgent needs to the necessity of removing these mines and dangerous remnants of war in order to restore the social, economic, humanitarian and tourism life to these areas which was once an important and major resource for national agricultural production in general.

The D. G  also indicated that the objective of this important visit is to direct the international and united nations efforts for accelerating the clearance activities in these areas.