Today, The Director General of DMA, Eng. Dhafir Mahmood Khallaf, met the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in his office and discussed with them the ways to secure Haweeja district/Kirkuk governorate from the dangers of mines and other explosive remnants of war for the purpose of starting the reconstruction projects by IOM.
The official spokesman of DMA indicated that DMA had previously conducted the surveys related to Haweeja district about one year ago and considered it uncontaminated area at that time, but the meeting recently resulted to conduct new assessment surveys in order to ensure that it was not contaminated again and to start the reconstruction projects by IOM in the industrial region/Haweeja district as soon as possible,pointing out that the D.G had also directed, in coordination with the Ministry of Interior, the necessity of setting site EOD detachment
followed to the Civil Defense Directorate in order to take the necessary procedures in the case of finding any UXO