DMA: training course for gender working in the various fields of mine action .. January 27, 2022
The Directorate for Mine Action announced the conclusion of the basic training
course of EOD for (12) trainers female working in the various fields of mine
The Director General of DMA, Eng. Dhafir Mahmood Khallaf, said that DMA is the supervision authority on this course, at a time when UNMAS carried out the implemented aspects in cooperation with the Swedish Government and the Iraqi Ministry of Interior/ Explosives Combating Training Center, pointing out that the trainers received integrated theoretical and practical lessons in various fields of mine action with involving the contamination in Iraq over consecutive six weeks, then the participants awarded with EOD certificates ( Level 2 ). Where the Assistant D.G of DMA, Mr. Bakir Sahib, participated in distributing the certificates in addition to the attendance of the graduation ceremony by the heads of Regional mine action Centers and Departments ofDMA, the sponsored authorities and gender officials in DMA.