Under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of Environment, Eng. Nizar Amidi, the Directorate for Mine Action launched today, Thursday, the National Mine Action Standard of Victim Assistance 13:10, through a special ceremony held on this occasion in a hotel in the capital, Baghdad.
From his part, Mr. Bakir Sahib Ahmed, who is the in charge Director General of DMA, in his speech on this occasion, Thanked the Iraqi Kurdistan Mine Action Agency IKMAA, the Dutch donor, the Handicap International Organization HI, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Ministries and other relevant institutional bodies who have supported and helped a lot in achieving this national standard concerned with providing assistance to the victim segment throughout Iraq.
Sahib also indicated that the celebration included the presentation of speeches by the Director General of the Department of Non-Governmental Organizations (DNGO) in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, Mr. Ashraf Al-Dahan, and a speech by the Director-General of the Technical Department of IKMAA, Mr. Ali Muhammad, as well as a speech by the Handicap International Organization HI that was presented by Mrs. Daniela Maria Bosca with a presentation on the NMAS of Victim Assistance presented by the Head of Victim Assistance Department in DMA, Eng. Alaa Fadel, and presenting success stories and reintegration into society again for a group of survivors who had been subjected to unfortunate accidents.
It is noteworthy that the celebration was attended by a number of ambassadors and representatives of international and local bodies, organizations and companies working in the various fields of mine action, as well as representatives of the relevant official governmental agencies.