The Director General of DMA meets the Director of UNMAS and discusses with him the coordination and activation of works of common technical interest … January 19, 2023
On Thursday, Mr. Bakir Sahib Ahmed, who is the in charge Director General of DMA, met in his office, the Director of the United Nations Mine Action Service, Mr. Pehr Laudhammer and discussed with him the coordination and activation of works of common technical interest.
From his part, Mr. Ahmed explained that the meeting discussed the upcoming priorities of mine action, as well as activating the approved technical capacity-building programs to use the latest technologies in various activities of mine action, as well as discussing the holding of an international donor conference during this year, and the global event represented by the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance was also discussed.
It is noteworthy that there is a permanent and continuous cooperation between the DMA and UNMAS in terms of coordinating the various programs, activities and works of mine action.