The Higher National Committee for Mine Action approved the strategy of the National Mine Action Directorate for the years 2023-2028.

  From his part, The official spokesman of DMA stated that the national strategy revolves around four main goals, which includes the land release after clearing them from mines and ERW, in line with the operations of their reconstruction and the return of the displaced people, as well as investing them within the principle of sustainable development in an effective manner, while the second goal is based on awareness of the dangers of explosive ordnance, in a way that contributes to raising awareness of those risks and leads to behavioral change among the segments of society, while the third goal refers to victim assistance and providing services and opportunities based on rights that take into account gender, rehabilitation and community integration, while the fourth goal emphasizes national ownership, effective communication, coordination and information sharing, leading to increased awareness, transparency and effective cooperation in this field.

   The official spokesman added that the approval of the national strategy aims to support the humanitarian and development efforts of the country in accordance with the national vision for sustainable development for the year 2030, the national development plan and the poverty reduction strategy, as well as strengthening Iraq's commitment to implementing the goals of sustainable development and its obligations under the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, the Cluster Munitions Convention and the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons.

  It is noteworthy that this strategy was implemented in cooperation with DMA and GICHD, as well as the rest of the local and international partners, which finally culminated in the development of this important national strategy.