The Director General of DMA meets the delegation of ITF and discusses with them the activation of the privisions of the joint Memorandum of Understanding that was previously signed between the two sides .. July 9, 2023
On Sunday, The Director General of DMA, Dr. Sabah Hassan Al-Hussaini, met, in his office, the Director of the Slovenian Agency ITF Enhancing Human Security, Mr. Thomas Louvernicis, and the Head of ITF Implementation Office, Ms. Katarina Cvikl, and discussed with them the ways to activate the joint Memorandum of Understanding that was previously signed between the two sides.
From his part, Al-Hussaini indicated that he reviewed with ITF delegation in the files of clearance, victim assistance, awareness-raising, and the return of the displaced people to their places of residence again after that those areas and cities have been cleared of the legacies of mines and ERW of the terrorist ISIS gangs, pointing out that the Ministers Council is currently very interested in the strategic projects, such as the development road, the petrochemical project, and the large Faw port in Basra Governorate, which requires securing all the requirements for clearing those areas that would allow the implementation and establishment of these economic and development projects. Also, the delegation will conduct an upcoming visit to Basra Governorate, accompanied by DMA delegation, with the aim of updating the information, according to the contamination priorities that will be determined by the accompanying team and RMAC-South, in order to get benefit from agency grants and direct it towards these priorities and contaminated areas.
It is noteworthy that Iraq, represented by the Ministry of Environment, the Directorate for Mine Action, had previously signed a memorandum of understanding with the Slovenian agency ITF, including support in the matter of attracting donors and financiers for all various mine action activities.