The Director General of DMA discusses with ICRC and its representative the coordination of joint works … September 19, 2023
On Tuesday, the Director General of DMA, Eng. Shawkat Tayeh Masoud, met, in his office, the head of ICRC mission in Iraq, Mr. Hisham Mandodi, and the delegation accompanied him, who are the coordinator of weapons contamination department, Mr.Mohammed Zourab, and the regional employee of weapons contamination department, Mr. Munther Noaman, as well as the programs manager of ICRC, Miss. Batool Mohammed Autba, and discussed with them the mutual technical works.
From his part, the Director General of DMA explained that the meeting included the necessity of that ICRC/Iraq obtains the legal accreditation requirements from DMA to carry out the activities of mine action especially awareness -raising activities to adopt it in the database of DMA in addition to the transparency reports issued, and the necessity to coordinate the common related issues.
It is noteworthy that DMA is the supervising authority on the work of Iraqi national mine action program including national and international efforts working in this field.